Sunday, May 8, 2011

Underway: SAQA 2011 Auction Piece

I've started working on a piece that will eventually (hopefully sooner rather than later) be submitted to SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) for inclusion in their annual fund-raising auction. The pieces for the auction are small...measuring between 10" and 12" on each side.

Last year my piece was a miniature version of my "Out of the Mouths of Babes" mosaic series.

This year, my starting point is a single 5"x5" square that I made some time ago.

The technique for the square is one I learned a while back from Phyllis Tarrant, a member of the Charlotte Quilter's Guild. Phyllis, in turn, learned it at a workshop that she took. Phyllis, can you help me out here? I'd love to give credit to the workshop leader. (Phyllis to the rescue: the workshop she took was from Sue Brenner...)

You start out by ironing some fusible web to the wrong side of a fabric square. In the picture here, the fabric is sheer organza.

Other squares of fabric (also with fusible web) are cut up into funky shaped strips and shapes which are arranged on the the first fabric square.
Eventually, the various bits of fabric are ironed down and the "embellished" square is ready for use.

The squares can be used in any number of different ways.

In this piece (called "Havdalah") I took 16 squares, butted them up against one another, fused the squares and a border onto a piece of batting and backing, quilted the piece and then bound it.

The auction piece, will be different. I plan to use a single square and place it on a background of orange Dupioni silk. I like the texture and sheen of the silk.

The fun will be in making the rest of the decisions: what fabrics to add, what type of quilting, how to handle the binding....

Stay tuned, I'll let you know how I progress....
