Surprise! I found that I liked working small. It was fun and it was freeing --- a pleasant break from my usual process (plan and cogitate, cogitate and plan, repeat ad infinitum).
I didn't have to "commit" to a giant project; instead, I was allowing myself to casually "date" around....a little sewing promiscuity, if you will, that gave me a chance to dance with a variety of different partners.
I had a chance to rework some unused abstract blocks created for other projects:
Gold and Orange Abstract |
Purple Abstract |
Play with some skylines:
Charlotte Skyline |
Big City Skyline |
and have fun with little landscapes (I've never particularly enjoyed creating larger landscapes, but these minis were very satisfying):
Crop Fields |
Moonlight close-up |
Purple mountain close-up |
By themselves, I have to admit, these "quiltlettes" could look pretty unimpressive...a bit like coasters for a beer mug collection. But place them in a frame -- and suddenly you have a little art quilt (in fact, several were sold a couple of weeks ago at the Charlotte Art Collective Spring Show).
Interestingly, I think I'm ready to return from my fling (at least for the time being). I feel refreshed and I may even be ready to commit to one of those big "cogitate and plan; plan and cogitate" projects
Wishing you all a good holiday weekend!